CEE CARD Grants: Helping utilities bring energy savings to Minnesotans

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明尼苏达州商务部宣布向能源与环境中心及其合作伙伴提供总额超过3美元的赠款.500万美元用于11个多年期研究项目,CEE将牵头或作为分包商. 总共, 能源部能源资源部宣布,在其2024年节能应用研究与开发(CARD)拨款周期中,为17个项目提供超过500万美元的资金, including the 11 affiliated with CEE. 

全面的, the newly funded research will help maximize energy efficiency in commercial buildings, low-income housing, multifamily buildings, grocery stores and more; improve the efficiency of residential air source heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, as well as commercial building ventilation; and develop insights into insulation and thermal storage, as well as inform the development of load management, district geothermal and electric vehicle programs.

通过设计, CARD资助项目,帮助明尼苏达州的能源公用事业确定新技术或战略,以最大限度地靠谱的外围竞猜app, improve the effectiveness of energy conservation programs, or document the carbon dioxide reductions from energy conservation projects. 完成的项目为公用事业公司提供了信息,以改进相关的程序设计或在其保护组合中创建新的程序. 

Below are all 2024 CARD projects affiliated with CEE. Each grant total represents the full amount awarded to the project lead, including lesser funds to be paid to subcontractors. For the first seven projects listed, CEE is the project lead and official grantee; for the final four projects, another organization is project lead and CEE will serve as a subcontractor. 

注:中欧和东欧经常自行资助其研究预算的很大一部分,以补充竞争性赠款. For these 11 projects, CEE and its research associates will pay for research elements not covered by CARD, adding another 5%–10% to the grants below to cover total project costs. 


CO2 Heat Pump Water Heaters for Multifamily Buildings 

  • Grant total: $359,592 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead) 

本项目将在多户建筑中安装和监测二氧化碳热泵热水器的性能. Coupled with stakeholder surveys, the monitored results will characterize the potential savings, 碳减排, and market opportunity in this hard-to-reach sector. 

Establishing Protocols for a 商业 ERV Tune-Up Service 

  • Grant total: $277,413 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead)  

This project will work closely with vendors, 业主, and ECO staff to gain a current, 全面了解与拟议的ERV调整服务相关的市场和技术问题. The results will be used to estimate potential statewide impact, refine the protocol, develop ECO recommendations, and develop TRM recommendations. 


  • Grant total: $444,388 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractor Wonderwoman Construction 

该项目将在10栋房屋的覆层更换期间安装连续外墙保温材料. It will measure efficacy of CEI to lower heating and cooling loads, document projects to identify logistical and other project barriers, and model the impact of CEI on decarbonization and electrification efforts. 


  • Grant total: $494,561 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractor VEIC 

本项目将对明尼苏达州杂货店制冷系统的浮吸压力控制进行现场监测. 监测结果将与影响成本和节约的市场问题和具体地点技术变量的详细评估相结合,以制定成本效益高的ECO方案推广和新的TRM措施的详细建议. 

Heat Pumps with Thermal Storage: Efficient and resilient electric space heating 

  • Grant total: $434,635 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractors Harvey Mudd College, Emanant Systems 

该项目将评估至少两种不同的商用储热技术,以解决明尼苏达州用于空间供暖的冷气候热泵的许多缺点. 它将测试将热泵与储热相结合的技术,以实现高效的电空间加热,而不需要燃烧备份或过度的电力需求. 


  • Grant total: $257,792 over 18 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractor Graphet 

该项目将探索工业热泵的机会,使使用天然气直接燃烧产生工艺热的制造过程电气化. 它将考虑工业热泵应用的方式,可以通过将废弃能源流升级到更高的温度来补充现有的天然气装置操作, saving total energy. 

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Replacement Field Study 

  • Grant total: $388,411 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CEE (lead) 

该项目将确定明尼苏达州寒冷气候热泵系统的节能潜力,该系统可以取代或取代包装终端空调系统的制热和制冷操作. 一项包含ptac的全电力建筑的实地研究将与基线供暖和制冷进行比较,以确定整体节能和系统性能. 


  • Grant total: $299,110 over 24 months 
  • Project team: 2050 Partners, GKA (lead), with subcontractor CEE 

该项目将通过评估先前收集的用水数据和初步研究,证明减少管道分配系统尺寸的必要性和能力. 测量的现场数据将用于更新管道指南,从而减少管道材料和成本, as well DHW operating costs. 

Consistent Load Shapes for Fuel-switching Tests and Assessing Flexible Load Potential 

  • Grant total: $222,335 over 24 months 
  • Project team: Cadmus Group (lead), with subcontractor CEE 

This project will define methodologies for developing measure load profiles. 它将提供一个负载形状库,用于高优先级燃料切换和负载管理措施. 研究结果将为新的法定ECO语言提供支持,使负载管理程序和燃料转换能够在测量寿命期间减少源能源和排放. 


  • Grant total: $239,591 over 24 months 
  • Project team: Slipstream (lead), with subcontractor CEE 

本项目将探讨如何提高新型热泵的先进调试性能, connected diagnostic tools and software. 它将为公用事业公司如何将连接诊断集成到热泵和中央空调的ECO计划中提供路线图. 

Unlocking the Potential for Safe Energy Retrofits Over Inaccessible Crawlspaces 

  • Grant total: $407,783 over 36 months 
  • Project team: CSBR (lead), with subcontractor CEE 

这个项目将测试“载体”在人们无法进入的狭窄空间中的应用. 它将监测大约12座有爬行空间的现有住宅的室内空气质量,以确定这些措施对空气质量的影响. 


CEE seeks a healthy, carbon-neutral economy that works for all people. A 501(c)(3) clean energy nonprofit with over 30 years' experience in energy efficiency, we align our strategies behind technical research, program development and implementation, community engagement, 政策宣传, and project financing. Working across homes, 靠谱的外围竞猜app, 和社区, CEE发现并部署最有效的能源解决方案,为每个人改善环境和加强经济. 


蒂姆•汉拉罕 thanrahan@reverse-mortgage-explained.com